Configuring Metrics to Be Collected
Intel® GPA supports a wide variety of metrics. The metrics available for display are dependent upon your specific graphics device.
To configure the metrics that are collected, do the following:
- In the Analyze Application dialog box click Manage Profiles… or click the Intel® GPA Monitor icon
in the taskbar notification area and select Profiles….
- In the Profiles window select the profile you want to modify.
- Go to the HUD Metrics tab to select the metrics to be collected.
- Double-click a desired metric to add it to the list of metrics to display in the Intel GPA System Analyzer HUD. To add several metrics, select them in the list and click the Add button. You can select up to four metrics that are overlaid on your running application.
- To change which metrics are displayed, double-click a metric in the list of displayed ones or select a metric/several metrics and click the Remove button, then repeat the previous step.
Alternatively, you can select a metrics group from the drop-down list to configure the metrics to be collected. Read further to see how to create such groups.
Click the application window to bring it to the foreground.
Use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F1 to switch between HUD modes.
Creating Metrics Groups
You can save sets of metrics as groups in order to select and use the required number of metrics easily with a keyboard shortcut, and without having to use the Intel® GPA Monitor.
To create a metrics group:
- Select up to four metrics from the Available Metrics list, as described above.
- In the editable text field type the name of the new group.
- Click Add Group. If a group with this name already exists you will get a message asking whether you want to rewrite that group.
- In the Profiles dialog box, click Apply to save your edits and proceed with the changes, or click OK to save your changes and close this dialog box.
You can create as many metrics’ groups as you wish within a profile.
While working in HUD mode you can switch between created metrics’ groups by using the Ctrl+F7 keyboard shortcut.
To remove a metrics’ group, select a group from the drop-down list and click Remove.
See Also
Metrics List for Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers
Extended Metrics Descriptions
Changing the Profile Name
Enabling Tracing in Your Application
Setting up Tracing Options
Setting up a Trigger
Selecting Domains to be Traced
Customizing the Keyboard Shortcut Assignments
Configuring HUD Display Options
Analyze Application Dialog Box
Profiles Dialog Box