Intel® GPA Platform Analyzer GUI Layout

The Intel® GPA Platform Analyzer GUI contains a set of data panels that control the various operations when performing the analysis of the captured trace:

  • Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers 1 GUI Layout Menu Panel - comprises File, View, Tracks, Panels, Windows, and Help items

  • Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers 2 GUI Layout Auxiliary Buttons – display the most important and frequently used operations accessible from the tool menu

  • Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers 3 GUI Layout Task Groups Panel - displays the entire list of all task groups in a bar chart with the height of each bar representing the duration of the task group;


    The Task Groups panel is not displayed by default but is available for traces with task groups in the workload.

  • Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers 4 GUI Layout Task Timeline - displays time-based task visualization and enables you to perform interactive zoom, pan, and selection

  • Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers 5 GUI Layout Panels - Statistics panel displays various statistics calculated from the current selection; Summary panel displays general data for the objects in the current selection set
  • Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers 6 GUI Layout Search Toolbar – enables you to search for objects by name

When you run the Intel® GPA Platform Analyzer for the first time, the tool arranges the panels as follows:

Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers pa gui init GUI Layout

GUI Layout