Analyzing Metrics

Intel® GPA supports a wide variety of metrics. The metrics available for display are dependent upon your specific graphics device.

To configure the metrics that are collected, do the following:

  1. If not already running, start the Intel GPA Monitor.

  2. Click the Intel® GPA Monitor icon in the taskbar notification area and select Profiles….

  3. In the Profiles dialog box go to the the HUD Metrics tab.

  4. Select a desired metric or hold Ctrl and select several metrics from the Available Metrics list.

  5. Click the Add button to add it to the list of metrics to display. You can select up to four metrics that are overlaid on your running application.

  6. To change which metrics are displayed, first select a metric(s) from the list of displayed ones and click the Remove button, then repeat the previous step.
  7. Launch the graphics application as described in Launching an Application.

  8. The selected metrics are overlaid on your application.
    Intel Graphics Performance Analyzers hud metrics pref Analyzing Metrics  

If you saved sets of metrics as groups, as described in Configuring Metrics to be Collected, you can easily switch between created metrics groups by using the keyboard shortcut, which is Ctrl+F7 by default.


Click the application window to bring it to the foreground.


Use the keyboard shortcut to switch between HUD modes. By default the keyboard-shortcut combination is Ctrl+F1.

See Also

Metrics List for Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers
Preferences… Dialog Box

Analyzing Metrics