Optimizing Graphics-rich Web Content
You can use Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers (Intel® GPA) to analyze CPU and GPU workloads that are enabled by the Microsoft* Internet Explorer* 9, Mozilla* Firefox* 4.0 (and later), and Google* Chrome* 12.0 (and later) browsers.
A key feature of these browsers is the support of hardware-accelerated graphics for content rendering, page composition, and desktop composition. Use Intel® GPA tools for developing graphics-rich web content and for optimizing it for your users.
Getting Started with the Microsoft* Internet Explorer* 9
- To enable Intel GPA profiling for the Internet Explorer* browser, you should use the browser registry setting to force all your tabs to open under the same iexplore.exe process:
- Open the Microsoft Windows Registry for your system with a registry editor tool such as regedit.exe.
- In the directory HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain set the relative value TabProcGrowth=0 (string or word) to specify that tabs and frames run within the same process and that frames are not unified across MIC levels.
- Install Intel GPA.
- Launch the Intel® GPA Monitor.
- Click the Intel GPA Monitor icon in the taskbar notification area and select Profiles… > HUD Options tab > set Default HUD Mode to FPS+Graphics.
- Double-click the Intel GPA Monitor icon in the taskbar notification area, or click it and select Analyze Application….
- In the Command Line field, enter the path to the browser (for example, C:Program FilesInternet Exploreriexplore.exe ).
- Click Run.
- Navigate to the fish demo at http://ie.microsoft.com/testdrive/Performance/FishIETank/Default.html.
- You should see the Intel® GPA System Analyzer HUD on the left hand side showing the current FPS and GPU metrics. You can change these GPU metrics using the Preferences dialog box mentioned above.
- To take a frame capture, press the default Ctrl+Shift+C keyboard-shortcut combination. You will see an indicator that the capture was completed.
You can then shutdown the Internet Explorer* browser and launch the Intel® GPA Frame Analyzer from the Start menu to open and view the frame capture file.
Using Intel GPA with Mozilla* Firefox* 4 and Google* Chrome* 12 is similar to the method described for the Microsoft* Internet Explorer* 9 browser. Read further for browsers’ support information.
Google* Chrome* Support
Intel® GPA supports the Google* Chrome* browser version 12.0 (and later). See http://www.google.com/chrome for information on the latest Google* Chrome* releases.
- Open Google* Chrome* options by typing “chrome://flags” in the address bar and enable “GPU compositing on all pages” and “GPU Accelerated Canvas 2D” to enable GPU rendering.
- To use Intel GPA with Google* Chrome* you must use the –no-sandbox command-line option when starting the browser. Without this option you may see various problems with Google* Chrome* and/or Intel® GPA System Analyzer HUD. Here is a sample command line for starting the browser:
chrome.exe –no-sandbox http://webglsamples.googlecode.com/hg/aquarium/aquarium.html
Mozilla* Firefox* Support
Intel® GPA supports the Mozilla* Firefox* browser version 4.0 (and later). Mozilla* Firefox* works out of the box, but randomly moves the D3D device around to different canvas areas. In order to see the Intel® GPA System Analyzer HUD, you may need to press the default Ctrl+F5 keyboard-shortcut combination several times to select the correct D3D device for Intel GPA.
See Also
Launching an Application
Intel® GPA Supported Browsers