Analyzing the Intel® Graphics Checker Data Capture
With the Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers (Intel® GPA) tool suite you can create Intel® Graphics Checker data capture files for further analysis with the Intel® Graphics Checker software assessment tool. Refer to Creating an Intel® Graphics Checker Data Capture for details.
Using the Intel Graphics Checker data capture file in the software assessment tool enables you to analyze this file, provide a quick assessment of game playability (that is frames per second), GPU utilization, and CPU utilization, and create a Tool Report File. See the Intel® Software Partner Program website for details.
To analyze the Intel Graphics Checker data capture file:
- Download and install the Intel Graphics Checker on the same system that was used to create the Intel Graphics Checker data capture files as described in Creating an Intel® Graphics Checker Data Capture.
Run the Intel Graphics Checker tool to analyze a specified Intel Graphics Checker data capture file, view a summary of results, and generate a Tool Report File.
Upload Intel Graphics Checker Tool Report Files to the Intel® Software Partner Program website to view a customized Software Assessment Report that includes your application’s Intel Graphics Checker results, plus recommendations to improve your results and a software assessment history. If your company is not already a member, join now at the Intel® Software Partner Program main website to start taking advantage of valuable development resources and marketing benefits – enrollment is free and takes only a few minutes.
See Also
Creating an Intel® Graphics Checker Data Capture