Extended Metrics Description
This section provides extended descriptions for certain metrics available in the Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers (Intel® GPA) toolset when analyzing applications running on Intel® HD Graphics 3000/2000.
Please note that a complete list of supported metrics can be found in Metrics List for Intel® Graphics Performance Analyzers.
For best results when using these metrics with Intel® GPA, make sure that you are familiar with both the rendering pipeline of Microsoft* DirectX* and the Intel Integrated Graphics Developer’s Guide.
Some of the metrics described here may not be available on your particular system configuration. The Intel® GPA Frame Analyzer menus only show those metrics that are available for your system.
Using these metrics within Intel GPA will enable you to “dig deep” into exactly where your game is spending its time within the rendering pipeline on the GPU.
Intel GPA will help improve the playability of your game, either by increasing the frame rate or enabling you to add new visual effects.