Primitive Count


The metric Primitive Count displays the number of primitives sent to 3D hardware.


For Microsoft* DirectX* 9: the Primitive Count metric matches the PrimitiveCount parameter in the rendering calls.


  • If you render 100 points, the IA stage assembles 100 point primitives and the Primitive Count is 100.
  • If you render two triangles as a triangle list, the IA stage assembles two triangles and the Primitive Count is two.
  • If you render two triangles as a triangle strip, the IA assembles two triangles and the Primitive Count is two.

Improving Performance

If geometry/vertex processing becomes a bottleneck try to reduce number of primitives sent to GPU for each frame by:

  • Simplifying your rendering geometry; for example, show small geometry details using bump maps instead of triangles, use lower detail models for far away objects, or use textures with multiple mip maps.
  • Optimizing your scene through various culling techniques; for example, use Binary Space Partitioning  (BSP), Portal rendering, or Octrees.

See Also

VS Invocations

Primitive Count